Galactica Necklace Instruction - Liisa Turunin
Dazzling Necklace - Such to fun to wear!
Liisa has designed this lovely necklace with an elegantly bezelled Kaleidescope Teardrop as the main focal. This necklace also includes another stunning Teardrop, chatons, pearls, Delicas, and Seed Beads in a variety of stitches. Just breath taking to look at and fun to wear! It’s reversible too, so no matter how it moves or turns, you will see the beautiful color you’ve selected! Liisa will be here in person, but you can also take this class remotely via Webinar. She is so much fun to take a class with, and her instructions are wonderful! Come join us to make this elegant piece that will look great on you!
Article number 220709 11am-5pm - Galactica Necklace - Liisa Turunin